

As an I-SkateBoard member, you will be able to participate in Go Skateboarding Day, a festival that brings together skateboarding enthusiasts from all three regions of Vietnam. Go Skateboarding Day (GSD) is an international skateboarding festival founded in the United States. In the last 20 years, it has become a popular tradition for both Vietnamese and international skaters. On June 21, skateboarders would come together, compete in the streets, and gather to perform in places where they used to practice every day. In Vietnam, skateboarding is most prevalent in the north. The 2019 Hanoi Skateboarding Festival was humming with the 7th annual event, Wild In The Streets. Skateboarding community at Ly Thai To Monument - Hanoi In Da Nang, the event began early in the morning at Dragon Bridge and ended at Nguyen Du Gymnasium.  The skateboarding community in Saigon is no less vibrant with sponsors and local brands. Skateboarding Day is supported by a large number of sponsors, as evidenced by


Skateboarding is a process with multiple complicated steps for beginners. The first starting will decide how far you will develop in this sport, hence, don’t forget to have a look at basic requirements of skill.   SKATEBOARD STANCE (REGULAR OR GOOFY) The first step is to decide which foot should go in front and which should push. Because your front foot offers stability on the board, you'll often choose the foot that is easiest for you to stand on by yourself.   Regular: your left foot is in front.   Goofy: your right foot is in front PUSH ON A SKATEBOARD On a skateboard, pushing is the first and most fundamental skill to acquire. Make a 30-degree angle with your front foot at the front hardware bolts. Allow your rear leg to touch the ground by bending your front knee. Reach down and push off with your rear foot while balancing all of your weight on your front foot. At a modest inclination near the back hardware bolts, return your rear foot to the board. TIP: Practicing balancing


After understanding basic skills well, you may feel overwhelmed and find them difficult to practice. However, they will no longer be your problem if you follow given tips below : 1. Bend Your Knees All skating tricks benefit from a low, relaxed stance since it allows you to quickly alter your balance in any scenario. 2. Be Determined The best tip for learning to skate, as well as most other things in life, is practice and devotion. Skateboarding is difficult, so don't expect to become proficient straight soon. The challenge of learning skateboarding is part of what makes it so enjoyable and keeps people coming back day after day. 3. Not Afraid To Fall Skateboarding entails a certain amount of falling. We advocate investing in a helmet and protective gear to keep you safe when skating and falling for the rest of your life! 4. Use Quality Equipment Skateboards from department shops are more likely to have low-quality parts and perform poorly than boards from legitimate skate business